Friday, 30 March 2012


So the sun came out (for approximately 48 hours) and everybody donned their best summer outfits, even if it was still March and slighty nippy.
The best outfit I saw was hotpants and an ill-advised white fringed top (vom) DEFINATELY not warm enough for that kind of get up, call me old but its still cardigan weather in my humble opinion.
Alas, against my better judgement I too got excited by el sol and bought a pair of what I like to call 'warm weather shoes', which will now have to be teamed with socks until mid July (if we're lucky).

Anyhoo these glorious shoes I speak of are a delightful mix of comfort from the faithful flats with the height of the dredded platform. Behold! The FlatForm;

An extra 2 inches, no 'party feet' needed and all for under £30. Bargainous. Also saves you from the embarrassing I-can't-walk-in-these-shoes-walk.
Aside from all their obvious benefits they do come at a price: BLISTERS. *shakes fist* My everest.
Thank god for Boots. These have been a lifesaver,

In between the hustles and bustles of general life and blister-gate I've had a little chance to test out the new camera. Here's a few test shots, taken on a de tour through the local park...
Spring is in the air...

Today I went to my first meditation class. If you've never been, try it.

'Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stem resolve. He who is fixed on a star, does not change his mind'


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