Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Whatever You Do, Do It Well

Let's face facts, a blogger ne'er shall I be.
A journalist, perhaps. A writer, possibly.
But despite all my best intentions I sadly do not have the time (or the inclination) to post daily, sometimes thrice daily like the keener variety of bloggerists out there.

("Stop trying to make 'Fetch' happen, its not going to happen!" Shut up, Regina)

Anyway anyway anyway, I've spent more time thinking about what I would write recently if I only had the time, was near a computer, wasn't suffering from a crippling hangover that makes even the short journey from ones bed to the life saving oasis that is Robinson's Orange Squash in the kitchen below a mammoth task, let alone turning on a laptop and actually using ones brain power to COMPOSE A WHOLE POST etcc. 

Jack of all trades, Master of none.
That's me, I suppose. Formally a derogatory term (You may have heard it worded as 'Jack of all trades, Master of Fuck All' by those more crude of tongue than me) I'm now reinstating it as a badge of honor. So I may never win a gold in the 400m, I'll never sing during half time at the superbowl and I may never go into space but it's not about being the best of the best, if you can acknowledge what you are good at and use it to your advantage, you're still winning.

I've done a lot of things and haven't failed miserably at all of them (Although I do remember a certain PE teacher getting horribly frustrated with me because, although I was quite nippy in the sprint stakes, she could not, for love nor money, teach me to do the hurdles correctly. I think it was my legs way of protesting against the inhumanity of it all. Horses are meant to jump fences, not humans) hashtag digression...

The point is, although I don't blog everyday of the week it doesn't mean my writing isn't as good as someone who does. It doesn't mean that because I don't make money from it won't help me in the future or give me some good experience...

I had a tea break then, mid post, and just saw a 6 year old diving from a 10ft high board. Now that is definitely something that I will NEVER ever be able to do.

So I've kinda lost my train of thought and the reason for this sum, celebrate all those talents you do have, even if you're not the best of the best doesn't mean you're not good at it.

I've been drinking a lot of herbal tea of late. Those ones that come with little inspiring quotes attached to the teabag...I'll switch back to coffee and have a vacuous fashion post for you next week :)

"You'll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut"
- Dr. Seuss


Wednesday, 2 January 2013


This is the first year I have been alive that has four different digits.

If you spend more than five minutes (the time I spent checking the validity of my previous statement) pondering this sentiment and find it to be flawed then please, keep it to yourself.


Woooo! New Year! New Me! New You! I've been to the gym four times already this week and drank gallons of lemon and wheatgrass detoxifying juice!


Things I hate 874: people making you feel bad via social networking sites.
I don't care about your New Years resolutions, nor am I interested that you're actually following them through. Some of us are still eating Terry's Chocolate orange for breakfast and have no interest in getting the running shoes out* ergo I shall not be 'liking' any of your updates henceforth.
This mini ramble is of course just a transparent attempt to make myself feel better that I'm not 'detoxing' and haven't stopped eating the Christmas chocolate. But I could get hit by a bus tomorrow and would be deeply disappointed if I hadn't finished off all the Ferrero Rochers...

I would also be disappointed because I wouldn't have chance to wear my NEW boots and NEW dress. Had a nice little shopping trip with la madre and my Christmas vouchers today. Haven't got a camera to hand/a cable to upload photos anyway so here are my latest purchases, sin me;

Denim smock dress Topshop £38
I had a nose around the sales and it was a toss up between this and a cute denim pinafore but as my Mince Pie Top made a rather rude appearance in the pinafore this smock dress won. 
Good work, smock dress. 

I feel like I'm probably going to be wearing this a lot...its easy to dress up with a big necklace or down with my ankle boots and woolly socks. 
Casual samosa like. 
Leather buckle western ankle boot, New Look £54.99
These are my new booties:) I realllly wanted a pair of Chelsea boots with a little heel but alas alack my ankles resemble those of Olive Oil which means without a buckle or zip they fall off my feet.
I know right? first world problems... but then I found these baby's which has made up for my lack of ankle fat.
Perhaps I could syphon some off from my bum...

And if you are thinking 'but those items are full price! FULL PRICE YOU FOOL' then never fear because a) I had vouchers and b) I got a pair of creepers that I've secretly wanted for many moons but have been ridiculed for liking by my brother and his 'death to hipsters' mantra for 10 squid. So rest easy dear reader, money was indeed saved.

Well, not really because I could have left them on the shelf and had £10 more in my purse but YOLO and all that...

*after a brief foray into the world of running a few months ago I was able to confirm what I have deep down, always known: I hate running